Do you know who your direct competitors are on Google Ads? Which websites are bidding on your most important keywords? What is their average ad position? What’s your competitors impression share? The feature Auction Insights provides all of this data both for specific keywords as well as for entire campaigns. It’s a great way to […]
Archive | Advertising
How To Optimize Google Ads Display Targeting: Keywords, Topics and Interests
There are countless different ways to setup your targeting on the display network. Here are some advanced optimization strategies that will help you to improve your display performance. In this example we will assume that we are advertising a Hotel based in New York. In order to test a new display campaign, you would setup […]
How To Design Effective Banner Ads On The Cheap
If you are running any kind of display advertising (Adwords, Facebook, Twitter, mobile etc.), you’ll eventually need to design banner ads for your campaigns. The challenge with banner ads is that you need a nice design that delivers a succinct message in 2 seconds or less. It usually takes multiple design iterations until you get it […]
7 Little-Known Adwords Display Network Optimization Hacks
The Google Adwords Display Network (GDN) is full of opportunity and trouble. Compared to search campaigns, it typically takes more work to get a display campaign profitable. That’s great news as an advertiser because most of your competitors don’t go the extra mile. Here are 7 little-known AdWords display optimization hacks. Site Category Options Site category options […]
How To Buy Twitter Followers For Less Than 50 Cents

Two weeks ago I started running a small experiment on Twitter’s ad platform. Why? First, it’s no secret that Twitter traffic is the conversion king in social media. Reports show figures of up to 9 times more leads being generated from Twitter compared to Facebook and LinkedIn (B2B). Twitter traffic definitely converts. Second, Twitter actually […]
How To Sell Information Products (Six-Figure Case Study)

In 2006, I was a freshman at a college in the Netherlands. I spent my days learning about accounting, finance and economics and my nights teaching myself online marketing. In June 2006 I launched my very first product online: a self-published guide on how to find student grants in Germany. It turned out to be […]
StumbleUpon Ads: 60,275 Visitors for $128.90

This post is a case study of the first test campaign I ran on Stumble Upon advertising at the end of 2012. Over the course of a year it has generated 60,000+ visitors at a cost of 0.2 cents per visitor. I go into detail on the overall strategy, results and mistakes I made as part […]