How To Analyse Daily Ad Performance in AdWords

Ad performance not only varies on a hourly basis but also based on the day of the week. Mondays and Tuesdays are often the strongest days in terms of traffic and conversion rates. Weekend performance depends a lot on the type of business and product. You need to take these fluctuations into account in order to fine-tune your campaigns.

Step 1: Analyse Daily Ad Performance

Click on a campaign name -> Dimensions -> Time -> Day of the Week


– The report shows the aggregated performance for each day of the week


Step 2: Optimizing Daily Ad Performance

Settings -> Ad Schedule -> +Ad Schedule -> +Create custom schedule

If you add all days in your ad schedule, it should look like this:


– Use the data from the previous step to optimise your ad schedule
– For B2B companies it often makes sense to lower to pause your ads on weekends
– For B2C companies weekends can sometimes perform better than weekdays
– If certain days (or times) generate much better or worse response, you can also adjust your bids during these times. For example, to increase bids by 10% on Mondays, click on the dash in the “bid adj.” column next to the cell “Monday – all day” and enter 10%. All bids in this campaign will automatically be increased by 10% every Monday.